Requests for Tokens or other Permissions

One of the beautiful things about Slack has been that the integrations for the platform, so it would make a lot of sense that our users and community member would want to take advantage of this. However, the admin team have been getting more and more requests for token and extra permissions to allow additional configurations to our slack.

The admin team would like to advise that not all of these can be applied and due to the volume of the applicants we’d like to put a procedure in place for it.


Step 1: Request via Slack as per usual

Step 2: Contact an admin directly about your application; the content we’d like to see is the following

  • What is it?
  • Why do you want it?
  • Who does it affect?
  • Does it add value to the community?

Step 3: Send it off to the admin and wait for a reply.

The admin may need to confer with the other admins to get approval, and it will be decided if you’ll be allowed a token/approval for your integration.


  • Do your research if an integration or a token is necessary. We won’t be allowing tokens or any particular access to IRC’s and the like if there are already established channels to use it.
  • Have a justification for wanting a Token. It’s important for the integrity of the channel that the token holders are responsible.
  • If admins/other community members have a solution for your issue, then please use that instead; always ask around first to see if someone else has already worked out a way of solving your problem. It’s more than likely that someone already has a solution. So just ask.